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Our Speech and Language is Blooming

Spring has arrived in McGraw.  This brings many opportunities for expanding speech/language and increasing vocabulary!  In the speech room, students are incorporating spring into speech practice, we will be making pinwheels with synonym and antonym words, we will be coloring umbrellas with our targeted speech sounds and students are looking forward to planting seeds. We will read books about different kinds of flowers as well as the animals that help them grow.  Students excel when they participate in activities they enjoy. 

Spring is a great time to enjoy fun times as a family communicating. 

  • Take a walk to the park, talk about the season of spring, ask questions, such as, What do we wear in the spring?,  How is spring different from winter?, What happens outside in the spring?, Name as many flowers, birds or vehicles as you can think of, etc.
  • Visit the Lamont Library and discover books about spring.
  • Talk about Springtime Vocabulary:  Growing, Planting, Blossoms, Blooming, Breezes etc.
Happy Springtime from the Speech/Language Room!
Valerie Wright
Speech/Language Therapist