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Welcome Mrs. McMullin

"My name's Jackie McMullin and I'm super excited to be a K-1 Special Education Teacher this year at McGraw school.  I was born and raised a Long Islander but have lived in the Cortland area since 2006.  Currently my husband and I live in Preble with our two dogs and cat. 

I went to SUNY Cortland for both my bachelors degree as well as my masters.  Since graduating I have worked as a UPK/Head Start teacher for the past 6 years with CAPCO at different sites including the YMCA, Parker, and Barry.  After school, I also worked for the Children's Therapy Network providing children early intervention services at their homes.  

When not at school, I enjoy spending time at home drinking tea, cuddling my pets, reading, playing tennis, and doing yoga.  My husband and I love watching movies and spending time together with family, especially our niece and nephew!"

~Mrs. McMullin