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Students in grades 3-5 are tested on a variety of fitness components such as flexiblity, endurance, muscular stength and muscular endurance.  All components of fitness have a direct effect on body composition.  It is important for children to understand the importance of daily physical activity to help promote quality physical fitness.  Student's who understand the importance of physical fitness have a better understanding how to maintain a healthy lifestyle with healthy eating habits along with daily physical activity.  The McGraw Physical Education Program uses the FitnessGram to assess students physical fitness levels.  Why use the FitnessGram?  The FitnessGram helps students determine if they meet health standards and have adequate fitness to meet their own personal needs.  The FitnessGram is also a great tool for physical educators.  The data is used to shape their physical education program.  If there is a common deficiency in one of the components teachers can implement more fitness activities into their program.  For example,  our students participate in the monthly run club which enhances endurance levels.  Throughout the year student's endurance scores have increased with the help of the run club.  Below is a link that provides recommended guideline scores at different age levels for students endurance, muscular strength and muscular endurance.