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Descriptive Writing

A simple Friday afternoon, the beginning of English class and I hear a crisp snap. It was the teacher opening a lemonade bottle. I can hear it being poured like a smooth flowing river. I knew what it was, the perfect summer drink being used for a writing exercise. I am handed a vibrant red plastic cup, cold from the inside of it. I pick the cup up and put it to my ear as I would a kid trying to hear the ocean through a shell. I expect to hear something, the air bubbles rising to the top to pop, but there is nothing. Although as I raise the cup to my nose the smell became more and more potent. The smell tempted me to take a sip so I followed through. I could easily tell the difference between the fresh squeezed lemon juice I have at home and this one, but it still sent a shock of sour flavor through my tongue. As I reach for more, I think of the different tastes the sip gave, lots of lemon but the sugar was definitely noticeable. I set the cup down and as the cup hit the table the hollow sound echoed through my head. I was then filled with relief as my teacher refilled my cup. After that I know I’ve been bribed for more work. Oh, how despicable!

By Micah Davis   

It was a Friday morning in English class. Ms. Kring gave us a bright red solo cup with a white inner layer. Inside the red cup was a yellow liquid, this liquid smelled like a Saturday morning with pancakes. As I go in for a swig, I see the yellow liquid move back and forth, side to side almost like a puddle when you step in it. I finish my sip and my mouth felt refreshed, this liquid had to be orange juice. The orange juice makes my mouth water, I must have another sip of this refreshing drink. I grabbed my cup but the look of the cup grabs my attention again. It’s such a unique color, almost a bright red but has hint of dark in it. I take my final sip and while drinking notice the taste of oranges and citric acid flood my tongue. I take my final sip and smile realizing the taste of this delicious orange juice has changed my mood.

By Katelyn Millard

In Ms. Kring's class students are practicing their descriptive writing.  Their task is to observe, smell, and taste the lemonade and then to describe it.