
or McGraw Alumni Information, please contact Barb Gros Klockowski (69)

Email: Join us on Facebook by requesting to join our McGraw High School Alumni group.  

McGraw Central School Alumni Banquet

Gather at Tinelli’s Hathaway House, Solon NY
Date: TBA           Social time: TBA               Dinner: TBA
$32.50 per person includes tax & tip; $35.50 if paying at the door
RSVP with payment by,TBA to: TBA
Laurie Barnes Comfort 
40 1/2 East Ave., Cortland, NY 13045
Questions: 607 591-6044 or

             Check payable to McGraw Alumni Association.

If you discover at the last minute that you can attend, please let Laurie know so she can give Hathaway an accurate count.

Complete the following information & return with your check.

Name of alumnus(Ladies please include maiden name):  
Class of:
Phone #/email address: 
Name of Guests:

**The alumni newsletter goes out in October and information for the Annual Alumni Banquet
               goes out in June. 

The Alumni banquets are always held the Saturday evening after Labor Day. 

Schools uniforms

Class of 1969

Class of 1969

Classes of 1972 and 1982

Newsletter of Classes of 1972 and 1982