Welcome to the McGraw School District Curriculum Page
Director of Curriculum and Special Education: Karen Genzel, Ph.D.
Curriculum Council Committee Members: Troy Bilodeau, Dan Briggs, Mark Dimorier, Karen Genzel, Susan Prince,, Valerie Wright, Rebecca Cornell, Brett King, and John D'Antonio
District Plan
Professional Learning Plan 2022-25
Parent Resources
Parent Brochure Next Generation Standards
Understanding Current NYS Diploma Requirements
Curriculum Grades PK - 12
Curriculum Maps Grades PK - 12
New York State Education Department (NYSED) Learning Standards
Each curriculum area has a link for its current NYSED learning standards. Curricular resources may also be included.
Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS)
The McGraw Central School District aligned curriculum and instruction to the NGLS for ELA and mathematics for full implementation, according to the NYSED timeline Implementation Timeline (revised April 2021), during the 2022-2023 school year.
New Standards in All Subject Areas with Implementation Timelines - Live Document provided by OCM BOCES
Next Generation ELA and Mathematics Learning Standards and Assessment Implementation Timeline
English Language Arts (ELA)
NYSED ELA Standards homepage: NYS Next Generation English Language Arts Learning StandardsUPK-12 Next Generation ELA standards: NYS Next Generation ELA Standards
Next Generation ELA Standards at a Glance provide the progression of standards across grade levels (PK-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12).
ELA Crosswalks show the CCCLS standards side-by-side with the new standards. "Cross outs" means something was removed. "Bold" means it is something new in the standards.
NYSED Math Standards homepage: NYSED Next Generation Math Standards
UPK-12 Next Generation Math Standards: NYS Next Generation Math Standards Document
Glossary of Verbs Associated with the NYS Next Generation Math Learning Standards: Math Glossary
NYS Next Generation Math Learning Standards Crosswalks & Snapshots: Math Crosswalks and Snapshots
NYSED Science Standards homepage: NYSED Science Standards
P-12 Science standards: NYS P-12 Science Standards
NYS Science Standards Implementation Resources: NYS Science Standards Implementation Roadmaps
NYS P-12 Science Standards Timeline for Development, Adoption, Implementation - Revised April 2021
NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects
Here are some quick links to newly released science guidance and resources.
Science Professional Learning Turnkey Guides (February 2022)
NYSP12SLS Quick Guide (February 2022)
Social Studies
NYSED Social Studies Standards homepage: NYSED Social Studies Standards
NYS K-12 Social Studies Framework Introduction: NYS K-12 Social Studies Framework Introduction
NYS K-8 Social Studies Framework: NYS K-8 Social Studies Framework
NYS 9-12 Social Studies Framework: NYS 9-12 Social Studies Framework
New York State Next Generation Learning Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects
NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects
NYSED Civic Readiness Initiative
Languages Other Than English (LOTE)
NYSED LOTE homepage: NYSED LOTE homepage
NYS Learning Standards for World Languages 2021
Implementation Process and Timeline for Transition to World Languages Standards
Physical Education
NYS PE Learning Standards: NYS PE Learning Standards P-12 (2020)
NYS Learning Standards At A Glance (2020)
NYS Adaptive PE
Technology Education
NYSED Technology homepage: NYSED Technology
NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects
Family & Consumer Sciences (FACS)
NYSED FACS homepage: NYSED FACS homepage
NYS FACS Learning Standards: NYS FACS Learning Standards
Health, Mental Health, & Social Emotional Learning
NYSED Health homepage: NYSED Health
NYS Health Standards: NYS Health Standards
Guidance Document to Achieving NYS Health Standards: Guidance Document for NYS Health Standards
NYSED Mental Health homepage: NYSED Mental Health
Mental Health Education Literacy in Schools: Linking to A Continuum of Well-Being (Comprehensive Guide): Mental Health Education Literacy in Schools: Linking to A Continuum of Well-Being
Mental Health Education Literacy in Schools: Linking to A Continuum of Well-Being PowerPoint: Mental Health Education Literacy in Schools Power Point
Mental Health Literacy in Schools Facts Page: Mental Health Literacy in Schools Facts
Resources and tools to prepare students to succeed in school and in life: Social Emotional Learning: A Guide to Systemic Whole School Implementation
NYS Social Emotional Learning: Essential for Learning, Essential for Life a framework explaining SEL concepts: Social Emotional Learning: Essential for Learning, Essential for Life
New Arts Standard Resources released
OCTOBER 7, 2020
The Office of Curriculum and Instruction has released new Arts Standard Resources. These resources include:
Discipline-specific Guidance Course Flow charts which provide:
Course progressions at three levels;
SCED codes and course descriptions;
Pertinent regulations for arts education at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
Concise introductions to the 2017 Learning Standards for the Arts for Teachers, Parents/Guardians, Administrators, and School Counselors.
Support communication surrounding the Arts Standards to further partnerships and conversations within the broader school and local community as New York State moves towards full standard implementation.
Additionally, resources to develop and align arts curricula to the 2017 NYS Learning Standards for the Arts are available and include:
A Self-Guided Tour of the NYS Learning Standards for the Arts in Visual Arts, Media Arts, Dance, Theatre, and Music.
-Visual Arts, Visual Arts NYS Learning Standards At-A-Glance
-Media Arts, Media Arts NYS Learning Standards At-A-GlanceToolkits to provide participants and presenters with essential questions and discussion points
Think Documents that offer discipline-specific at-a-glance resources to assist arts educators in their adaption of existing curricula to the 2017 Arts Learning Standards while meeting the needs of all students.
These resources can be found on the Office of Curriculum Arts Page under Arts Professional Development.